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HMS Hibernia: Wedding of Bradley de Stryke and Shriekersmom Morgan

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HMS Hibernia: Wedding of Bradley de Stryke and Shriekersmom Morgan Empty HMS Hibernia: Wedding of Bradley de Stryke and Shriekersmom Morgan

Post  Emrys Sat Feb 06, 2010 1:26 am

PostPosted: 10 Oct 2008 21:51

Alexion rides up to the harbour pier where she was to moor. He looked around at the decorations and festivities around him. He smiles. Weddings were an amazing time.

Squinting his eyes he gazes out to sthe harbour mouth as the familiar vessel pulls in.

A while later it moors before him. Smiling up he nods once and turns his mount around. He needed to attend to urgent business but would return when the wedding was concluded to give his respects to his Uncle and new aunt. Passing a page he hands him a penny and a note and rides off.

Dear Uncle Bradley and soon to be Aunt Smom,

I beg your forgiveness for not being able to watch your joyious union. But I will return shortly after to be with you on this wonderful day. May Jah bless you both and this day.

Your beloved nephew,
Alexion de Stryke


PostPosted: 10 Oct 2008 22:52

Watching the docking of the HMS Hibernia in a nearby tavern with a view, the butterflies in Smom's stomach danced around a bit more. As she watches the flurry of activity of the items being brought on board for their wedding, she could not wait for word that Captain DeStryke was secluded long enough for her to board without his seeing her. To nervous to drink but not wanting to spoil the moods of those around her she purchased several rounds... sipping water to be social.

Finally one of the crewmen comes into the tavern ' Lady Morgan? Cap'n is in his cabin, you are to follow me to the cabin next to his.' words said, he started off straight away. In the rush to follow him she almost tripped. 'Calm down you have waited to marry him till now an extra minute will not matter now.' she thinks to herself. Knowing Anwir was showing up with the children in a bit, she hurried behind the man obviously suited to the rocking of the ground beneath his feet as they stepped on the boarding plank.

Aboard the ship she looks up in awe. It is just as she had instructed it to have been decorated. Looking to her right she sees the flowers she had picked from the fields near the castle.

Smiling, as her heart leaps at the view of her families Coat of Arms flying up off the quarterdeck with that of the DeStryke, hers in just a few short hours. It is real, today she finally is marrying Brad. Looking around as the next time she is here she doubts she will notice anything but him, she memorizes this she will the whole day. Her Wedding day...Their Wedding day.

With a big sigh, she follows the now impatient crewman to the cabin. Entering she sees it has been set so she can enjoy some Tea while she readies for the wedding. Pouring herself a cup she breathes in the salt air and relaxes before the preparations continue.


PostPosted: 11 Oct 2008 00:17

Snowlynx stands on the harbor pier looking up in amazement Shocked of the magnificent ship, the HMS Hibernia. She just stands there for many minutes starring at it. She has been on small boats, but never on a ship such as this before.

Snow walks over to the boarding plank, a little nervous. A crewman notices her and walks down the plank with ease. "Can I help you?" He asks. "Yes, I am Snowlynx Marius-Norton, I am a bridesmaid for Lady Morgan."

"Follow me," He says, as he turns and walks quickly up the boarding plank. Snowlynx did not follow as quickly. She took two steps onto the plank and everything began rocking. She grabbed the rope on the side and slowing moved up the plank, almost baby steps. The crewman turned at the top and looked down at her, only halfway up, smiles, and waits for her.

Once Snow made it on deck, the crewman started walking, she turned to follow, but was distracted and stopped for a moment to admire the beautiful ceremony decorations. Not to mention, she could feel all her insides swaying with the ship.

The crewman stops and turns, again, a little impatient this time, "Mrs. Norton, this way, please." Snow turns and follows him obediently. He leads her to a cabin door. "This is Lady Morgan's cabin." He nods and walks away.

Snowlynx watches him walk away and knocks on the door. "SMom, are you in there, it is Snowlynx."


PostPosted: 11 Oct 2008 00:41

Hearing the knock she tenses up till she hears her sisters voice. Getting up she opens the door "Snowy, thank goodness you are here. I think I am going crazy. I want time to hurry so I can be with Brad but, I am terrified at the same time." biting her bottom lip a bit as her face reflects the torn emotions she is feeling "I can't recall ever feeling like this. I love him more than any... ever. Please tell me you felt this way. Tell me it is normal and I am ok." looking at her sister hoping for an answer as she places her hand on her chest, her heart beating faster each moment she waits for a reply.


PostPosted: 11 Oct 2008 01:50

Snow gives her sister a big hug and smiles at her. "Calm down, dear. Your going to work yourself into a frenzy."

Snow walks over to the table, looks at the nicely set table, but walks past the tea. She grabs the bottle. Not caring what it is, just as long as its strong. She pours two glasses. "Come, I need something to relax my insides and you, definitely, need something to relax you." Snow smiles and holds the glass out for her sister.

"Sit, relax," Snow pulls her sister down in a chair next to her. "You have loved and wanted to be with Uncle Brad for a very, long time, now. This I know and you know. That has not changed, has it?"

"Let me tell you what Mother Superior Eraine told me when I was having my freak out about marrying Falcie." Snow takes a sip of the drink.

She said,"The hardest decisions to make are between those that are neither right nor wrong -- they're like the decisions we make on a journey, when confronted with two possible paths. Both paths will take you to somewhere new; while you may have some idea what to expect along the way, you can never really be certain until you commit to your choice."

Snow looks in her sister eyes, "SMom, you are commited to Brad, I know this, you have traveled a long journey to find him and you are on this ship. He is on this ship. I know uncle Brad may be a little stiff and strict when his military side comes out, but I do see that he loves and adores you and wants to be with you." Snow hugs her sister.

"Come, let's start getting you ready. This shall be one of the most wonderful days of your life! Blow your worries out the window to the sea." Snow stands up and pulls her sister with her. "Your heart is your guide, do not worry what others will think, those who love you will understand, and those who don't should not concern you."


PostPosted: 11 Oct 2008 03:00

As she sips her drink listening to her sisters words of wisdom her fears fade. "Oh Snowy, momentary madness? I know I love Brad and he loves me. I have waited and hoped for his return, and he did come back. Maybe it is just a fear of all my dreams coming true. What do you do then?" sipping her drink again as she looks out the window as the seagulls fly by.

"Mother Superior Eraine is a wise woman. Thank you for sharing her words with me. I know the path I will take is the one at Brad's side, the one that is right for me. I fear my life would cease if I were to lose him. I had feared losing another husband but even if Jah grants me a single moment with Brad, it will be worth it." smiling at her sister as tears start to form, she takes a deep breath.

"Ok, let get ready I have a man to marry, and maybe, just maybe, I can do it without letting my emotions get the better of me again. " hugging Snowy "Thank you for saying just what I needed to hear."


PostPosted: 11 Oct 2008 03:03

Jah it was beyond anything she had ever seen. The HMS Hibernia was a sight to behold and Umberlee stood in awe of its size and beauty. Never before had she seen such a magnificiant ship and she doubted she ever would again. Her life path had kept her from sea, and she hoped that this first time upon such a vessel, would prove her to nae be a woman with sickness upon the sea as she had heard can be.

Nearly running up to the ship now, her excitement filling for her friend and for the celebrations and vows to be, she was stopped by a crewman, who directed her towards the cabin room where she was told both the bride and Mrs. Norton were to be found.

"Ye best not have begun drinking yet!" Umberlee laughed as she knocked on the door awaiting answer.


PostPosted: 11 Oct 2008 03:47

Laughing as she heard Umberlee at the door, she hands her glass to Snowy, quickly to be hidden. Spying more fresh glasses she quickly says, "Come in Bee, Nay we were waiting on you. Finally we can share a drink to calm the nerves." pretending to open the bottle for the first time she pours three glasses. Handing out the drinks "To two of the best friends a woman can have." raising her glass she sips once more the fluid warm so soothing on the pallet.


PostPosted: 11 Oct 2008 09:09

Umberlee laughed as Smom handed out the drinks. "To dear friends!!" she exclaimed before glancing at the bottle. "M'dear let me see that bottle, t'would seem theres a leak somewhere, unless..." she takes the drink and empties the glass in one swift movement, before pouring another in its place. Letting out a breath, she raised this glass to her friends and tried not to let to much fall from her lips as she put this one back in similar fashion. Her eyes widened as the burn of the drink made way down her throat. "Oh Jah I just can't do that again yet.." she poured a third glass and looked at the near empty bottle, point the tip of it towards Smom in a wiggling manner. "T'would seem there were exactly two glasses missing from this bottle..." She winked and added, "now my nerves for thee shall be at least some what smooth. How are you holding up Smom?" Umberlee was in good spirts, as she wandered over to the wedding dress admiring its beauty. "Jah M'dear, I thought the dresses choosen for us were beyond which I have ev'er seen, but this gown...thy husband will have his most difficult battle yet, keeping his hands off thee while vows are exchanged!!"


PostPosted: 11 Oct 2008 10:16

Umberlee wrote:"To dear friends!!" she exclaimed before glancing at the bottle. "M'dear let me see that bottle, t'would seem theres a leak somewhere, unless..."

Trying to feign innocence as Bee speaks of a leak, she can hold back no longer and bursts out laughing "Snowy, I think we are caught. Could never put one past Bee here." watching her friend catch up quickly she could not help but smile "You know Bee if we were normal women we would get drunk drinking the way we have been. Thank Jah for all the tavern time we have had building ourselves up to out drink the men." smirking "Refill please... my nerves are getting better with each sip." holding her glass out to be topped off, she realizes she should slow down a bit, marrying Brad should be done with a clear mind. Thinking once again of her wedding, her heart leaps once more.

"My dress is just perfect isn't it. Mum helped design it. And the dresses you are wearing ... beautiful as well." putting her glass down "I suppose I actually should start to do something with my hair or we shall never be ready in time. Jah forbid I run late or I will never hear the end of it from Bradley. I do love that man." she giggles and laughs as she remember the tiff they had on the way to Snowy's wedding when she made them late. He will be good for her and she for him, where one was weak the other was strong, as if made to be one.


PostPosted: 11 Oct 2008 11:42

Walking around the Hibernia, Sonnie is quite impressed with such a beautiful vessel as this one.

Mumbling to herself as she enters the vacant Captain's cabin... "Magnificent too! As splendid and flashy as the rest of this ship thus far."

Spotting a bottle of spiced rum, she helps herself to a few good swigs to help ease her nerves. She then daydreams of wishing she had a husband too.... ((( sighs )))

"May be one day Mr Right will come along!"

Feeling quite lively and festive, she places the cork back and puts the bottle back in its rightful place.

"Thanks, Captain Whoever! Your rum did the trick and you have great taste in rum too!"she says aloud with a flashing flamboyant smile as though another is present in the room...

Leaving the cabin and scurrying out the door, a crew member sees a lost Sonnie and escorts her to Smom's cabin.

Tip-toeing in and catching Smom off guard and from behind, Sonnie places her hands over Smom's eyes and with a deep low voice .... "Guess who?"


PostPosted: 11 Oct 2008 12:02

Sitting laughing as she brushes her hair she does not hear the door open. As hands cover her eyes she hears a deep voice "Guess who?" deciding to play along "Let me see.... Sam?, nay he would not be here he is afraid of water, Ralph? Nope afraid of commitment, Henry? not fond of children. That could only mean ..... Sonnie." turning around she hugs her big sister, laughing." Glad you are here sis."



Jasmina stopped her horse on the pier. She hoped she had arrived in time for the wedding. She noticed a few ladies walk onboard and followed them. Overhearing that the Bride was in the cabin with her maids, she went there without speaking to anyone first.

Jasmina allowed herself in the cabin without knocking. Recognizing the Bride, she presented herself to Lady Shriekersmom immediately.

"Greetings, M'Lady."

Jasmina said in a broken accent as she bowed to Lady Shriekersmom.

"I have come to give you some news, which your neice the late Lady MiniPhoenix would have wished you to know. Perhaps we can have a chance to speak in private before you wed Sir Bradley de Stryke?"


PostPosted: 11 Oct 2008 12:30

The young woman entering the cabin startled her. As she came closer and bowed Smom nodded her head, still weary of the woman till she caught a twinkle in her eye. Listening to her words the meaning was very clear, this was the news she needed and dreaded at the same time. Thinking of the timing of her arrival she acted upon it right away.

--Jasmina wrote:"I have come to give you some news, which your neice the late Lady MiniPhoenix would have wished you to know. Perhaps we can have a chance to speak in private before you wed Sir Bradley de Stryke?"

Looking at her sisters and close friend, she quickly says,"I will be right back." taking the young woman's arm she goes into the passageway, hoping not to be seen by the groom. Not that it would matter should this news be of the worst kind.

"What is it? You would not risk coming here, today of all days if you did not know something." looking the young woman up and down "I suppose it is safe as I almost did not recognize you." hugging her tightly "Please tell me what you have learned. What makes you take this risk?" needing to know the answers as the concern shows on her face.



"My dear Auntie Smom," she said in a whisper while placing her hand on Smom's shoulder.

"I am afraid that it was as we thought. Alexander Marius was poisoned. Falcon Lord ordered this, and had an imposter pose as Xander, hoping to marry you and destroy the Morgan family from within itself. I am glad you did not marry the imposter.

I hate to bring you this news on the day of your wedding, but I thought that... I should at least tell you... so you can be at peace. The real Xander would want you to move on."


PostPosted: 11 Oct 2008 13:04

The words, Auntie Smom, coming from her niece once more filled her with such joy. Before she could enjoy it, she hears 'poisioned', 'imposter' and the name that strikes fear to the depths of her soul.

Looking at the one she missed for so long, she did not have the heart to tell her she had indeed married only to be widowed right away after a freak accident. Best not to tell her. Sudden fear shot through her as she once again thought of who was behind this. She must make a point to tell Ice. He of all must know.

"My dear niece, are you sure it was him? The Morgan's have made a few political enemies, are you sure it is he who hunts the Dragons? If so we must pull Ice aside and inform him." looking at her niece she hopes it is all a nightmare and will fade as quickly as it came.



"Aunt Smom, I have hard evidence that Xander is dead and that Falcon Lord is behind this.. Unless someone went through great lengths to frame Falcon Lord, I'd say it were he."

Jasmina pressed her lips together and furrowed her brow.

"It may be prudent to inform Ice at this point, however, please do not tell him that I live. I am still investigating this and I need everyone to continue believing me dead. I fear that the threat is much greater to our family than we initially thought. There is a conspiracy against our family. I know some of the details, and thankfully Falcon Lord's plans will take much time, perhaps even years, to put in place. I hope this will give me enough time to do what I must to protect our family. For now, you can rest assured that your wedding will go through without any danger from Falcon Lord."

Jasmina gave a reassuring smile to her aunt.

"Do not fear for the future. I'll make sure everything is alright." Placing a hand on her aunt's shoulder again, she adds, "I'll stay for your wedding."


PostPosted: 11 Oct 2008 13:46

Looking at her niece as all she says is absorbed, a calm settles over her. She hated having others believe that her niece had died. The plan set into action over a year ago was paying off. Anything for the safety of her family. They had had many heated arguments over it before the plan was laid out and she agreed to faking the death. Now with her new Marriage she had another to worry about.

Brad was a brave soldier and one she was lucky to love and have at her side. With this information she would now have to tell him of the lurking danger. How she had prayed it was wrong and just her active imagination playing tricks. But her niece confirmed her fears. She must keep the secret of her niece being alive but, not from Brad. He must know as he is now as much a part of it as she, once they say their vows they will be one.

The vows...what was she thinking, here whispering in the passageway. Snapped back into the here and now "You must stay. I insist." kissing her nieces cheek "I shall not tell a soul whom you are... the disguise is wonderful. Now I have a wedding I can't miss. Do come in for a drink while I get ready." opening the door to the cabin once more she motions for her to join, then walks in and sits to brush her hair once more.


Posted: 11 Oct 2008 13:59

Richgrams quietly opens the door with a finger to her lips, so that she can surprise Smom.
Gently putting her hand over her daughter's, she takes the brush and continues brushing Smom's long golden locks, as she has so many times before.
You're as beautiful as ever my dear, and as happy, I hope.
(Putting the brush down, she turns to greet the others. With a huge hug she says:)
Sonnie, how I wish you lived closer, I miss you very much. Take care of your little sister here.
Snowy, how good to see you again. I can see you're still glowing. I have hopes of seeing you often, now that you live so close.
You too Bee - you girls will have to plan trips to Penrith.
Richgrams notices another girl in the room, one she hasn't met before.
And who might you be? You must be special to be in here, so welcome.



"Thank you, Lady Shriekersmom," Jasmina smiled once again taking on her persona as a foreigner come to visit the Baroness.

Re-entering the cabin along side Lady Smom, she accepted a glass of wine and sipped while watching her aunt brush her hair. It had been so long.

Who knows when she'll see her loved ones again?


PostPosted: 11 Oct 2008 16:23

Turning back to her brushing, Richgrams can't help but tease Smom a little.
What shall it be, braids? Do you want it piled up, or dowm to really show off its beauty?


PostPosted: 11 Oct 2008 17:02

After warmly hugging the lovely bride, Sonnie, turns around and hugs all others and greets them cheerfully...

"I hope you all are as excited as I am! I can hardly believe this dream is coming true. Smom is so fortunate to be marrying such a charming man as Brad but he is most lucky to be marrying my sweet, lovely sister too. "

Raising her glass, she gives a special toast to the bride.... "May Jah, richly bless you and Brad today and for always, Sis!"

Upon taking a drink, Sonnie's mother hugs her and Sonnie then greets her mother with a loving, reciprocating hug. "Mother, you look stunning and gorgeous as always. Quite stately and regal in your attire, if I do say so. I know you will help Sis with the finishing touches so she will be a beautiful blushing Morgan bride and soon to be Mrs. De Stryke."

Handing Smom a delicately and intricately handcrafted handkerchief with small pale rose buds displayed on each corner of the silk material, Sonnie ((sighs))... "I hope you wont cry, but shall you do so, "Something with blue for luck and is a gift for you with much love, Sweetie."

Sonnie recoils toward the back of the room and ponders over a little of what she had heard while ago... Something about "Miniphoenix" and this man... "Falcon" who? ((Sighs))


PostPosted: 11 Oct 2008 17:48

HRH Chris Braveheart Stuart exhausted from his trip to Sussex arrives at port and sees the HMS Hibernia docked with several guests already on board. Handing my horse off to a stable boy to tend to, I see the open sea for the first time since receiving the news about my brother's Sir Taliesin's death at sea. Feeling a bit somber and seeing I had some time to waste, I walk to the shore and gaze out onto the open water and waves. Kneeling in prayer at the water's edge, I reflect for a few moments before quietly whispering, "I love you brother. I will miss you. I know you are at peace now."

Standing and tossing some pebbles into the sea, I compose myself and walk back to the pier and board the HMS Hibernia for the wonderful wedding that will take place there.


PostPosted: 11 Oct 2008 18:44

Lerendus made his way slowly up the gangplank onto the Hibernia's deck. It felt good to be on a ship again. The gentle sway of the sea. He felt at home. Looked up at the sails. Furled, but still majestic against a clear blue sky. Lovely sailing weather. Good day for a wedding. Ran his hand slowly across the ship’s railing. Lovely woodworking. A fine ship. He looked up at the sails again. Gulls flying whichever way. A noisy lot. Perhaps singing their discordant tune for the bride and groom. He lowered his eyes from the sky. Noticed a lone figure standing on deck. Vaguely familiar. Captain Chris Braveheart Stuart. No, Prince Chris Braveheart Stuart he has become. Lerendus reached up, removed his cap, and wiped his brows. The day was growing steadily warmer. Wouldn’t mind a drink right about now. He held up a salute as he strolled past the former Regent on his way into the poop deck, where the bar was located. Took a seat at the counter and asked for a glass of ale. The wedding wasn't about to begin anytime soon.

OOC: Poop deck - The deck forming the roof of a poop or poop cabin, built on the upper deck and extending from the mizzenmast aft. Put simply, the deck underneat the quarter deck.


PostPosted: 11 Oct 2008 21:41

Richgrams wrote:Turning back to her brushing, Richgrams can't help but tease Smom a little.
What shall it be, braids? Do you want it piled up, or down to really show off its beauty?

Turning to her mother "Oh, yes braids, wouldn't I just be the most lovely bride in that elegant dress with braids draped around my ears." laughing as she could picture Brads face if she were to do so " I think I shall like to wear it down. I do put it up so often it shall be a ice change."

Sonnie wrote:Handing Smom a delicately and intricately handcrafted handkerchief with small pale rose buds displayed on each corner of the silk material, Sonnie ((sighs))... "I hope you wont cry, but shall you do so, "Something with blue for luck and is a gift for you with much love, Sweetie."

As her sister speaks such kind loving words then hands her the beautiful gift she runs it through her fingers, the silky material so smooth to the touch. "Thank you Sonnie. I shall try not to but, my emotions have been popping up at weird times of late. Must be a side effect of loving Bradley so very much and if it is then I shall need this for I plan to never stop but, love him more in time, if such a thing is possible."


PostPosted: 11 Oct 2008 22:09

Falcie arrived at the HMS Hibernia a little later as his wife Snowlynx, because she was expected to help Shriekersmom get ready. He handed his horse Aneurin to a waiting stable boy and got on board of the ship.
He took a look around on the huge ship before heading to the bar where he had a drink and would wait for his wife.


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 00:22

Gregarious eyes the ship warily. He had only been to sea once. An...interesting experience. A horse was one thing, these...these ships where quite another. Walking up the gang plank the feeling enters his legs once more. Looking about quickly he spies the bar and heads for it a little to quickly.


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 00:43

A carriage pulled up on the docks and stopped a little way off the gangplank of the Hibernia. It's door opened and Mal climbed out, stretching a little to ease the cramp in her limbs from being sat for hours. Then she turned and held out a hand to help Cery down before reaching in and lifting her son Phoenix out.

Telling her driver that she would send a messenger when she was ready to leave, she watched as the carriage pulled away. Setting Phoenix on his feet she held tightly to his hand as they walked over to the ship. 'Boat Mama' he babbled at her, 'Big boat'.

Mal smiled at him, 'Yes sweetie, boat'. Making Cery walk up infront of her so that she could watch and make sure her daughter was ok, Mal and Phoenix slowly made their way on to the Hibernia.

Once on board, Mal crouched down so that she was on eye level with Cery and said 'Now, you have to promise me that you'll stay away from the railings. I don't want you falling overboard. And don't go out of my sight, I need to know where you are all the time'.

'I promise Mama' Cery replied, before dashing off to explore the deck. Mal kept hold of her son's hand as she wandered around, she didn't want him to stray from her as there were too many things that he could get into that would not be good for him.


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 01:03

Arriving on the deck of his ship he spots his first mate. "Get the marines armed there is a plot to kidnap the bride and I will be damned if anything in this world will stop me from marrying her shoot to kill anyone who makes a move to take her from this ship. Let the knights also know of such plot and watch carefully. There maybe a snake in this crowd tonight and I do not want it to ruin the best day of my brides and my life.Make sure that every angle is covered including the back and sides of the ship."


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 01:08

Caitilin rode most of the night to reach the sea. Sitting astride her mare she watched the sun rise on the new day. Leaving Moondancer at the local livery she found lodging at the inn and made herself presentable.

The short walk to the docks was pleasant and the aroma of the sea air filled her senses. As she arrived at the HMS Hibernia, Cait was in awe. She had not seen a ship so large. Climbing the gangplank she stopped at the ship's rail. To the hand present she spoke. "Permission to come aboard? I am here for the De Stryke-Morgan Wedding. The groom is my uncle." He bowed and offered his hand to assist her boarding. "Of course, m'Lady, welcome aboard." She smiled and crossed the beautifully decorated deck to the far railing.

Caitilin greeted others who had arrived before her. "Falcie, cousin, it is good to see you again. And Snow, your lovely wife, where is she?' She nodded to Lerendus, she would make his acquaintance as the day wore on. "Your Highness, a pleasure to see you." She curtsied to Prince Regent Braveheart. Smiling she greeted Lord Gregaious and curtsied to him. "My Liege, it is always a joy to see you."

Caitilin smiled at the other guests and then let her gaze wander to the open ocean. She could almost hear the call that makes men and women long for the sea. There is adventure out there. Now I understand Llop's love for the sea. she thought.

Pensive thoughts were not for today. It was a celebration of love. Caitilin headed for a drink to settle herself.


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 01:33

As Meira walked up the gangplank onto the ship, she was struck by a memory of the last time she was on a boat: the Maria Perdida, Serdan's ship. The party on board that afternoon had been an exciting one, but the memory served to remind her again of her cousin's sudden death. She had only lately returned from Serdan's funeral.

But a joyous occasion such as a wedding on a ship was just the thing to dispel these melancholy thoughts. She made her way to the bar area, where several guests were already gathering, and saw faces she recognized among them. Meira nodded and smiled at those she did not know and dropped a curtsy to Prince Chris Braveheart.

After asking for a receiving a small glass of whiskey, she turned and curtsied to Lord Gregarious, who looked somewhat uncomfortable. 'At least the seas are calm today, unlike my crossing from Calais,' she thought.

"Lord Gregarious, it's good to see you here," she said, taking a sip of her drink and feeling the whiskey warm her throat.
Back to top


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 01:37

Before returning to his cabin to change into his proper attire he turns to the first mate again giving him a brief order. "While the bride and I are sharing our first kiss as husband and wife fire the seaward cannon in celebration. Let all of London know what has happened today as it is a moment of extreme joy and pride that I am to be wed to the woman of my dreams."


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 01:37

Back in the bride's dressing room, Richgrams joins the girls in helping them to get Smom into her magnificent gown, and the attendants into their's.
There is much joking and giggling going on.
Soon someone will arrive to usher her to her seat, and the ceremony will begin.


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 01:45

Hearing of the plot to capture the her uncle's bride, Caitilin keeps a close watch for anything suspicious. Knowing that the marines are alerted she feels sure the danger will be averted. Just in case she taps her thigh to be assured that her dagger is secure.


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 02:37

Falcie walks towards Richgrams after finishing his first drink of the evening, and offers her his arm.

"Would you allow me to assist you to your seat, Lady Richgrams?"

While walking there he says:

"You must be very excited today? Must have been looking forward to Smoms wedding!"


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 02:39

As her sisters, mother and close friend help her, they manage to all get ready. Laughing and joking the whole time. As she is near ready she lifts her skirt one more time to adjust her garter. Next time she see it Brad will be removing it.

Looking at them as she drops her skirt down into place. Kissing her Mum goodbye as she leave for her seat. "I'm ready."


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 02:43

Thank you Falcie. It is good to see Smom so happy again.
Richgrams smiles at all the guests as Falcie escorts her to her seat in the front row.


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 02:52

Caitilin goes into the galley to check for the cook and make sure the food will be prepared on time. It looks like all is well.

Being below decks the movement of the ship is more pronounced and she has difficulty keeping her feet. The movement is enough to make her a little ill. Reaching the deck again she breathes deep the salt air.


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 02:58

Appearing upon the quarter deck dressed in his best he calmly awaits his bride feeling his heart fluttering in excitement.
HMS Hibernia: Wedding of Bradley de Stryke and Shriekersmom Morgan Brad3


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 03:00

Satisfied with all the finishing touches, Maid of Honor, Sonnie reminds Smom of one last thing...."Please, let's not forget Brad's ring."


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 03:23

Storal stood before the the ship eyeing it cautiously before enter. he had never been found of the sea,but for his cousin would put his fear aside.
Bravely he ventured up the gangplank, feeling much better once he was fully aboard ship.


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 03:30

Arial makes her way to the ship. She has never been on a ship so this will be quite an experience for her.

She makes her way slowly up the gangplank and onto the deck. It feels strange for her to be walking on a deck of a ship.

Arial makes her way to where the ceremony will take place. She now awaits for Richgrams to come down the isle. After the mother comes... then the wedding groomsmen and bridesmaids enter


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 03:37

Anwir knocked gently on the door.

"M'lady everyone seems ready, Are you ready?"


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 03:41

Snowlynx steps into the line of the procession and walks down the quarter deck to the front of the guests and stands on the brides side of the arch.


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 03:42

The carriage rolled to a stop near the dock and she looked at Harlan with a tender smile. “Thank you, love, it does seem that ever since we met our weekends are filled with one of my friend’s weddings, doesn’t it? I adore you for coming with me yet again.” Her eyes dazzled as he stood up to leave the carriage. Slipping her hand into his once he turned around and offered her his hand, she gracefully stepped out onto the cobbled road, feeling his hand upon her elbow to steady her. Swishing the skirts of her gown with her free hand, she looked at him, so splendidly handsome in his dark suit.

HMS Hibernia: Wedding of Bradley de Stryke and Shriekersmom Morgan 1gown4

Resisting the urge to kiss him, she tightened her grip as he led them to the magnificent ship. “Brad is the Captain of this fine ship. He had her built so that she would be one of the most powerful ships in the fleet, with the exception of the galleons, of course. No expense was spared when building this ship and as you will soon see, a few luxuries were added for the comfort of the sailors.” Releasing Harlan’s arm, she lifted the skirts of her gown and carefully walked up the gangplank to the ship. Turning around she smiled another one of her secret smiles and slipped her hand in the crook of his arm. Walking to where the chairs were lined up, she saw Prince Chris Braveheart and steered Harlan towards him. “Good day, Prince,” she watched his face, looking for signs of sadness over the apparent loss of his brother. “I am glad to see you here. Have you met Harlan? He is from Shrewsbury and is a very active citizen. I don't know what Shrewsbury newcomers would do without him. Harlan, Prince Chris” she laughed, knowing that Harlan knew all about the man who felt like a brother to her. “We have time to get for conversation later, I think we should find a seat. Prince, will you join us?”

Turning, she saw Lady Maladicta and waved at her as she talked to her son. Releasing Harlan’s arm, she sat down and carefully held the skirts of her gown close to her leg so Harlan could sit down without crushing the delicate silk fabric. Placing her hands in her lap, she quietly twiddled her thumbs as she waited for the ceremony to begin.


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 03:46

As Snowlynx started the procession, Umberlee took Prince Chris' offered left arm as he lead them both down the quarter deck to take their proper place.

HMS Hibernia: Wedding of Bradley de Stryke and Shriekersmom Morgan Umberleecopy


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 03:48

Gregarious offers an arm to Sonnie as their time to proceed arrives.


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 03:51

head held high when his turn came he elegantly proceeded to his seat


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 03:52

Sonnie, knowing that it is now her turn to walk down the aisle, places her hand through Greg's extend left arm and she gracefully moves forward toward the arch with him.

Feelings of joy and happiness rushes through her for her sister and Brad. A warm heartfelt smile radiates Sonnie's face showing her deeper sentimental feelings to all.

Escorted to her rightful position at the alter and smiles as if to say thank you to Greg, Sonnie waits for the cue to pivot partially toward the audience and then toward the twins and the Bride.


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 03:52

As the door open and revealed Baroness Sheirkersmom Morgan in her wedding dress, Anwir caught his breath, she was truly beautiful.

“Come Anwir”

Taking her arm He whispered “Are you ready?” Firmly she squeezed his arm in response and nodded once. “I am ready” she said. Taking a deep breath they waited for the music to start. Slowly walking down the aisle in time to the music Anwir beamed proudly at the assembled guests.

He bowed to Lord Bradley and handed the groom his bride. The quietly he took his own place, to watch the ceremony.


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 04:00

All eyes follow as Smom comes walks down the aisle. Arial looks out at the assembled crowd and smiles.

“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to witness the joining together in the sight of God and these witnesses, Bradley De Stryke and Shriekersmom Morgan, in holy marriage."

Arial has a prayer inviting God's presence.


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 04:00

As April brings the twins to their mother, Gilly looks up at her Mother "Your are pretty Mamma." Taking her brothers hand they walk down the aisle, to take their places. Smiling at Brad as she gets to the front.


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 04:02

Walking down the Aile on Anwirs arm, only watching the twins walking in front of them takes her eyes off of Brad. Standing so tall and handsome, awaiting her arrival.

As she is handed to Brad she turns to Anwir "Thank you."

Looking her beloved in the eye a smile beams across her face as the time has finally arrived.


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 04:05

Taking his bride he stares at her entranced by her beauty his lover for her coming to the surface as I wipe away a tear quickly. "Oh darling you look so beautiful!"


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 04:20

Arial turns to the couple and says, "Join hands, please."

The couple join hands. Arial cues for the vows.


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 04:23

Staring deep into his brides eyes. I open my mouth trying to keep my voice steady.
"My Darling Shriekersmom,
I love you.
And when I tell you I love you, this is what I mean:
You are the one for whom I have waited. You have brought me more peace and steadiness than I have ever known, and the days since I met you have been the best days of my life. Your ready smile, your deep convictions, your passion and compassion, your beauty, your laughter, your sense of adventure, your intelligence, your wisdom, your faith, your courage, your kindness and the lessons of your experience enrich me in every moment I spend with you. I offer you my history, with its pride and its regret; My future, walking with you wherever we go;
This present moment, which explodes with more joy than a moment should be able to hold. I promise to laugh with you and to laugh at myself. I promise to take you seriously when seriousness is called for.
I promise to hold you while you cry, and to cry while you hold me.
I promise to care for you as best I can, and to encourage you to stretch and grow and care for yourself.
I promise to support you in sharing your gifts with others, to encourage your generosity and your chosen responses to your many callings.
I promise to listen to you, respect and consider your thoughts and beliefs, and to heed your challenges to my own.
I promise to rest with you, and to seek balance between work and play.
I promise you nothing less than the rest of my life. You are my closest friend, and I give you myself. This is what I mean when I tell you that I love you.
From this moment on you are my wife, and I promise to be your loving and faithful husband for the rest of our lives."


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 04:29

As I look into Brad's eyes listening to his words, tears form and I take a deep breath, holding his hands a bit tighter.
"Bradley, as I take you as my husband, to say I love you is not enough, to try to condense the depth of my feelings into a few words is ..... impossible. Yet I shall try even though words will never be enough, to let you know the respect I have for you or how I appreciate your tender caring side, the joy I find in your laughter, the tears I hold back from your pain, your shoulder there to give me strength, the pleasure of your touch as you wipe away my tears, happy or sad. Loving you means all this to me and I love you more each day.
So to you I make these promises, I promise to share with you my time and attention, and to bring happiness, strength and imagination to our relationship. I promise to give you the best of myself, and to ask of you no more than you can give. I promise to grow along with you - to be willing to face changes as we both change in order to keep our relationship alive and exciting. I promise to love you in good times and in bad, as loving you is as natural as breathing. I promise to be your life partner and mother to your children. I promise to give you all I have, and all I feel the only way I know how ... completely and eternally."


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 04:33

Tears roll down Snowlynx's face as she hears her Uncle's vow to SMom. Then, her say her vows to him. She looks out into the guests, finds Falcie's eyes, and smiles, when she sees him looking at her. Thoughts of just days earlier, flood through her mind.


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 04:38

Arial reads from the book of creation:

“You made certain Your creatures would draw nourishment from each other and provide nourishment to each other. It is necessary for them to drive out and kill to nourish themselves. In the same way, it is necessary for them to fight to defend their lives. But there is none completely strong nor any entirely weak. Nobody is always higher nor always lower than the others. We all are plain in the life and we are all Your humble servants. Because You are our creator.”

“Therefore You gave talents to all Your creatures, each more beautiful than the last. Each one of them has its place in Your creation. Their talents makes it possible for each one of them to find that place. So, there is no creature preferred of You, Oh Most High. You similarly love us all in the same way and we all must ourselves love You in return. Because, without You, we would not exist. You created us while nothing obliged You to do so and we must love You to thank You for this gesture.”

“We are certainly connected with the matter, certainly subjected to its laws, but our goal is to tend towards You, the Spirit Eternal and Perfect. Therefore, in my opinion, the purpose You gave to life is love.” Then Jah said: “Human, since you are the only one to have understood love, I make your kind My children. Thus, you know that the talent of your species is its capacity to love Me and to love each other. The other species can love only themselves."

Arial preaches her sermon:

“What makes us more like Jah than the animals is our capacity to understand fully Jah’s gift of love to us. It is shown in Jah’s gifts of rain, of food, of health… but most especially in the giving of Christos, who taught us the truths about Jah and also demonstrated sacrificial love in his death for us.

“In marriage we have the highest form of love between two people. The Apostle Paul describes love in this way: “Love is patient, love is kind, it does not boast, it is not proud, it is not self seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.

“Though there may be occasion to be angry with one another, yet love must always be the strongest motive. Though there may be a reason to justify being unkind or demanding, yet love must keep us in check. Though we may sometimes be fearful, yet trust and protection will conquer those fears.

“It is important to renew your bonds of love with a word, a gesture, a service. Attend mass together, work in the community together, give to charity together.

“Let your love be an example to all.

“The rings please”

Arial prays for the rings to be a symbol of eternal love.

She turns to the groom and says , Repeat after me:

"I Bradley de Stryke, give you Smom Morgan, this ring as an eternal symbol of my and commitment to you."


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 04:40

Gregarious offers the ring to the groom.

HMS Hibernia: Wedding of Bradley de Stryke and Shriekersmom Morgan 3-stone-2-carat-ringjpg


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 04:40

Falcie looks back at his wife Snowlynx and smiles. He knows she is thinking about their own wedding again, the memory of it is still fresh, and he doubts that will ever change. It was a lovely day, and he would always remember it.


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 04:41

"I Bradley de Stryke, give you Shriekersmom Morgan, this ring as an eternal symbol of my and commitment to you." Taking the ring from Gregarious I slowly slide the ring upon her finger.


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 04:42

As Sonnie listens to the vows, she begins fretting....

Telepathically speaking to herself: "Where is his ring?

Trying to keep calm, she becomes a bit anxious as she feels and finally finds it.

Flashing a beaming smile now, Sonnie is thrilled now with her new found discovery.


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 04:54

She turns to Smom and says , Repeat after me:

"I, Smom Morgan, give you, Bradley de Stryke, this ring as an eternal symbol of my and commitment to you."


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 04:56

Looking at the ring as he slips it on her hand she has never seen anything to match it's beauty.
Turning to her sister for the ring she had engraved just for him, she puts out her hand.


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 04:56

Sonnie places Bradley's ring safely in her sister's hand.


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 04:57

Looking into Brad's eyes as she slips the ring onto his finger
"I , Shriekersmom Morgan, give you Bradley DeStryke, this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you."


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 04:59

Arial prays inviting the grace of Christos to enter their relationship.

Arial declares, "You have declared your vows before God and this congregation. May Jah confirm your covenant and fill you both with Grace."

Arial prays for the wisdom of Aristotle to accompany the couple in their new life together.

"You may kiss the bride."


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 05:01

At the priestess's words his heart thudding against his chest at finally being able to kiss his wife smiling he pulls her into a gentle compassionate kiss.


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 05:03

Umberlee couldn't fight the tears from falling any longer, quietly she wiped at them as rings and promises were given. The love between her friends so great it radiated across to everyone present.


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 05:12

Kissing Bradley back, the whole world seemed to melt away for a moment a time. Reality setting back in as the cannon was shot off. "Bradley" she giggled as she knew only he would have ordered such a thing.

Turning to her friends. "As the new wife of the Captain, I would like to invite you all to share some spiced Rum with us before dinner." before the words were even out the crew was passing out glasses. "To England and all who hold her dear." she raised her glass.


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 05:21

Standing with Umberlee, I quietly whisper to her...

What a wonderful ceremony. I am so happy for them both.


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 05:36

As the canon shoots off, Jasmina wipes a tear away. 'Such a lovely wedding,' she thinks to herself.

As the other guests move to get some rum, Jasmina finds Gillianna.

"Hello, Sweetie," Jasmina bends down so that her head is closer to Gilly's.
"My! You look so beautiful, just like your Momma." Jasmina smiles. "Will you do me a favor and give your Momma something for me?" Jasmina hands Gillianna a small box that contains Smom's wedding present. "Tell your Momma that I said today she outshown even the angels in heaven."

With that Jasmina left before anyone could recognize her.

The wedding present, a gold and ruby broach:
HMS Hibernia: Wedding of Bradley de Stryke and Shriekersmom Morgan FlutteringHeartsBroachM3651


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 05:37

Accepting the glass of spiced rum from the crewman, Richgrams raises it high.
To Brad and Smom!


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 05:57

Taking the rum, Caitilin raises her glass and her voice, "To Brad and Smom!" With tears in her eyes she drank deeply

Her gifts for her Aunt Smom and Uncle Bradley arrived by messenger.

For her new Aunt: A jeweled anchor to remember this day and to always be the one in Bradley's life that will keep him from drifting.

HMS Hibernia: Wedding of Bradley de Stryke and Shriekersmom Morgan CrystalAnchorSB

For the Groom, her dear Uncle Brad, a gold and silver tankard to lift at the celebration of life.

HMS Hibernia: Wedding of Bradley de Stryke and Shriekersmom Morgan Tankard

Caitilin dried her tears. What a wonderful ceremony! She thought of her beautiful wedding not so long ago and her eyes misted but she smiled and drank another rum.


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 06:34

Having had arrived a bit late, Verity stands quietly in the back, watching the ceremony.


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 06:39

Before the celebration goes much further ..
"Friends and family, shall we all go inside now for a meal and more drinks while the deck is prepped for dancing later?"
Taking Brad's arm they head inside to the Head table

After Brad pulls her chair out and she sits, she looks out at the wonderful way the crew has assisted her people in setting up the tables.

Glancing down she sees the menu's have been placed for all to read.

Turning to Brad as they wait for all to be seated and the meal presented "My dear husband, I love you now more than ever." she kisses him lightly.


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 07:03

After enjoying the wonderful and unique ceremony upon the ships deck, plans to move on to the reception were announced. Harlan stood and offered his hand to the Lady Kerri, helping her from her seat and then escorting her to the aisle. As he hooked his arm in hers, he pulled her close as they walked to the reception. "Did you hear that dear? Dancing!" he chuckled, thinking of all the dancing they did together and how much he had improved since first they met.

Entering the reception area he helped her to a seat and once she was settled, took the chair next to her. "I bet they have cake here too." He said grinning mischievously at her.


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 07:06

Kieran ran quickly to where the reception was to be held, feeling really embarrassed about missing his mothers ceromony, he tried to make himself look decent. He walked in casual and looked around at all the decent looking people in there dresses and suits, Kieran cought eye of his twin siblings who been looked after by april there nanny and walked quickly into there direction.

After greeting his little brother and sister he looked at his mother stood in the front leading all the guests and gave a little wink, smile and thumbs up. Smile


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 07:15

Came awake slowly and picked his head up off the table. Stopped suddenly. Groaned. Head pounding. Put his hand to the throbbing to try and calm it. Got slowly to his feet. Brain still fuzzy. Awfully quiet for a bar. Suddenly realized it was empty. Couldn't remember how long he'd been out. Stumbled his way across to the door and peered out. Slowly dawned on him that the ceremony was already over. He swore profusely and blaringly. Clapped his hands over his mouth and ducked down under the door out of sight as he suddenly realized where he is. Hit his head on the door knob and swore again. Writhed on the ground holding his head. Stiffled a scream of pain. Extremely angry with himself now. Have to get out of here. Ran across the room and opened a window. Leaned out and looked for a line (rope), anything to pull himself out of the room with. Couldn't find a rope but he could reach the quarter deck if he stood on the window sill. Finally managed to get his head over so he could see the quarter deck and found himself face to face with a marine. "Oh bloody hell," he uttered, half his body still dangling off the ship. The marine gazed intently and pointed his weapon threateningly, "State your name and business, sir." Lerendus heaved a heavy and dramatic sigh and said slowly, sarcastically, "Alright, you got me, I admit. It was my intention to kidnap the beautiful bride, make my audacious escape, whisk her away to my secret criminal hideout, and so win fair lady's heart." He grinned up at the poor fellow who had to stand guard in such fine weather.


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 07:40

With a reminder by a duke who had turned out a surprising friend to her someone long missing adorned a cloak covering her hidden completely she snuck in to the even quiet and trying to remain unseen. Watching as two she once considered good friends were to unite. Having secretly watched the event threw finality she nodded. Believing it was about time. Then snuck over to the gift table leaving a simple gift.

HMS Hibernia: Wedding of Bradley de Stryke and Shriekersmom Morgan Old_Teddy_Bear

“Too the blessed couple. It’s about time.


Then the cloaked woman slipped away nay another moment spent in this event.



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Registration date : 2009-02-05

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HMS Hibernia: Wedding of Bradley de Stryke and Shriekersmom Morgan Empty Re: HMS Hibernia: Wedding of Bradley de Stryke and Shriekersmom Morgan

Post  Emrys Sat Feb 06, 2010 1:28 am

PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 08:28

Sitting next to Smom, while waiting for dinner to be served, gives Richgrams a good opportunity to speak to the newlyweds.
Smom, Brad, I want to tell you of my wedding gift to you. You won't find it with the rest, as it is still being made.
A visitor at Morgan Manor told me of a craftsman in Venice who has made a new discovery. It's a way to apply a silvery backing to glass.
Claims it was the clearest mirror she ever saw. So I have commissioned the craftsman to make one for you, as my gift.
It's to be placed in a beautiful wooden frame, on a pivot, to adjust to your different heights.
When it is ready, you can tell me where to have it delivered.
Richgrams then got up and gave them each a hug, before sitting down again.


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 09:04

Having arrived rather late, he goes in search of Smom with the intent of apologizing for his tardiness. As he walks the deck, he admires the lavish decorations.


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 09:12

Peering in the elegant dining room, Sonnie, wishes she had thought to invite her friends to come with her here. She realizes they would have thoroughly enjoyed this wedding.

"Pfft! This would have put them in the mood for popping the question to their significant others" she mumbles to herself as a host escorts her to her seat.


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 11:01

Her laughter rang out when he teased her with his comment about dancing. She considered teasing him back by telling him she didn't want to dance, but he would see right through her. Looking up at him as he scooted her chair in, she licked her lips and then lightly laughed as she realized he could read into her thoughts just by her body language.

"Yes, darling.. what is a wedding without a cake?" Leaning against his arm, she placed a hand on his leg and idly moved her fingers back and forth. Sighing after catching a look at Brad and Smom, she looked at Harlan. Leaning closer to him, she whispered, "I know they are happy, love... but I know I am on top of the world being here with you."

She watched as a lady came towards the table. Looking curiously at her for she looked vaguely familiar, she exclaimed when she sat down. "Sonnie! Is that really you? My, I haven't seen you in such a long time." Her fingers on Harlan's leg caused her to remember her manners. "Oh, please pardon my manners. Sonnie, this is Harlan, my frequent and attentive male companion." Her eyes twinkled as she looked at Harlan. "Darling, I'd like to introduce you to Sonnie. She and I met long ago but somehow lost touch as the months have passed by." Turning back to Sonnie, she looked around. "Did you come by yourself, my friend?"


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 14:16

Sirfuller looks around in amazement at this wonderful occasion.

Such a nice day for a wedding with beautiful surroundings. I'll have to have Smom plan my wedding!!! Laughing

Sirfuller makes a toast:

May your best times be your worst!


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008 21:44

Caitilin went below to the dinner and enjoyed the fine feast. There were so many friends and family members of the bride and groom it made her head swim, so to speak.....or was it the rum or the soft rolling of the ship in dock.

Seeing her uncle and aunt, Caitilin approached to wish them well. "I wish all of the good that life can hold. May you love always as you do today. Be kind to one another and understanding of each others faults for they also are part of the one you love." Cait hugged Smom and kissed her on both cheeks. Smiling at her Uncle Bradley she hugged him with all of her might. "I am so happy for you. This is a day long awaited."

Smiling and nodding to all she met, Caitilin made her way through the crowd to the side of her brother, Hagman. Giving him a bear sized hug she whispered, "My dear Hagman, I have missed you sorely. Tell me all. Where have you been, what have you been doing?" Cait handed him a glass of whiskey as his hands were vacant of a drink.


PostPosted: 13 Oct 2008 01:12 Post subject: Reply with quote
Raising a glass at Fullers toast, she smiles. Won't be too much longer and they will be attending his wedding.

Getting in a few more bites before Cait walks over and shares happy thoughts and Hugs. As she wanders off, Smom turns to Brad, "Sweetie maybe we should think of cutting the cake soon. I would dearly love to be in your arms dancing as the sun sets."


PostPosted: 13 Oct 2008 01:16

Grinning hugely at Caitilin, he said "Ach, naught of importance. Just sitting on Cumberland Parliament, and tryin' tae get the mines running at capacity again. All else be quiet for noo."


PostPosted: 13 Oct 2008 01:20

Richgrams catches the attention of a crewman and instructs him as to where he can find a large basket that she had left in the kitchen. He brings it to her and with great pleasure, she hands out favors to all the guests while they are still in their seats.


PostPosted: 13 Oct 2008 02:19

Having arrived late Nova filters in with the rest of the guest and hears all of the lovely speeches being made.. He smile and lean over to his friend and say, " At least she is happy"


PostPosted: 13 Oct 2008 02:26

Running around the room with the other children playing as they duck in and out from under the tables, Nannies eyes never leaving them, Gillianna see the cake brought it. "Look, look cake."
Running over to her Mum she pulls on her skirt to get her attention"Mum cake... pleeese?" smiling her smile that she learned rarely, if ever gets a no.


PostPosted: 13 Oct 2008 03:01

Reaching the harbor, Oda saw the Hibernia, you couldn't really miss it, it was the largest ship there. Still annoyed with himself for being so late, he made his way onto the ship, towards where all the noise was coming from.


PostPosted: 13 Oct 2008 03:07

Worf2 knows he is very late as he creeps in at the back of the guests.

He looks around for the happy couple and spots them towards the front of the ship. Many guests are congratulating them. They look so happy.

Now and again they catch each others eyes and smile that wonderful smile of lovers.

Taking a glass of champagne from the tray of a servant he silently toasts the newlyweds.

"May Your Troubles be small and Your Happiness Great"

Time to get back to work, he thinks, wishing he could stay longer but duty calls.

Worf2 slips out the way he came and leaves the ship echoing to the sound of merriment.


PostPosted: 13 Oct 2008 07:31

They all stood on deck as the Adventure Galley pull in alongside the Hibernia.the deckhands scurried about securing the lines so the Galley was moored at the docks. In the meantime Mr.Roberts called over to the Hibernia asking permission to place the gang plank between the two ships. Lord was the first to cross over to the Hibernia,holding onto Bella,Next came Ice who has a firm grip on Liam,the Gwen with Michael ,Irish holding Kathryn bringing up the rear. As Gwen got close to the other side,Ice held out his hand to help Gwen step down. Next was Irish. with everyone on board,Ice put Liam down but hung tightly onto his hand.Irish looked at the triplets,
Alright you three no tricks. Lord,Gwen if you tow don't mind keeping a watchful eye on those two I would be very greatfull. Well it looks like we missed the actual wedding I suppose we should go and find the bride and groom.



Michael and Liam






PostPosted: 13 Oct 2008 07:44

Doing what she does best and late as usual, Tasite slowly walk into the room. Looking around she see new face mingling with some very familiar faces.
Ah there he is she says to herself. Moving towards her brother Nova and taping him on the shoulder. OK just leave your little sister behind she giggles. Now shall we congratulate the happy couple together as she smiles at him or shall I do it alone then she crinkles nose at him.


PostPosted: 13 Oct 2008 10:01

A long and bumpy carriage ride that made them miss the majority of the event Marzy clinched her traveling bag. With in the bag a letter of scorn from her mother Sonnie threatening Gram’s pans and a long trip of her own if she hadn’t made it to this event.

Looking to Treena across the way from her she was ever so grateful that she would at last minute agree to attend with her so that she wouldn’t have to face her family alone. A true kind act. Rubbing her stomach knowing such a trip was to much for her with so little time in her pregnancy left. She breathed in deep as the carriage finally halted before the event.

“Treena it was so kind of you to attend this with me. Come I will introduce you to all who I know here.” she turned to the door opening up and stepped a grateful step out. Eyeing the grandeur set up for the event she would expect no less in her family. Taking a deep breath and waiting to enter with her new friend.

Feeling great angst for joining the family in this event after such a painful exit of her presence she also felt out of place for having prepared in such a short notice in her condition. Wearing white the only fine fabric handy for one in her condition she entered the event.

Nervously wringing her fingers in the fabric. Chewing on her bottom lip. Her eyes raise only wishing to quickly drop everything and turn and run, but gram’s frying pan and her mothers anger she feared more than anything. Her body already aching from the extremely long ride here her shoulders push back making a crack in her shoulder. Instantly she is overwhelmed with to many familiar faces.


PostPosted: 13 Oct 2008 10:25

Treena watched Marzena across the carriage, clearly the travel was difficult in her condition. She had brought along her embroidery to keep her occupied on the long ride and chatted away as she stitched. Before long, they were arrived at their destination and Treena packed her things, safely stowed in the carriage during the event. She was awed by the majestic ship twinkling with candlelight, though she had been on navy vessels, this was a unique occasion. She assisted Marzena up the gangplank to the deck where the reception was well underway. Glancing around, Treena hoped her blue gown was formal enough for such an elegant affair.

She smiled at the few familiar faces she saw in the crowd, namely Lieutenant Maladicta and High Admiral, or rather HRH Mommikerri whom she knew from the Royal English Navy. "Marzena, can I help you to a seat to rest after our long ride? I will fetch you a plate of food, then we can manage introductions after you are refreshed a bit," Treena insisted more than asked, as she led the way to a seat that certainly looked more comfortable than the carriage bench.


PostPosted: 13 Oct 2008 10:43

The ceremony having just been completed, Poe thought it fortuitous that he had not missed the reception. He recognized a few faces scattered in the crowd, some from Lancaster, some from other regions of England. He was about to walk over to where two of his countrymen, Verity and Sir Fuller, were standing when he saw a serving wench clutching ten of his most favorite things.

He made a slight detour before joining the somewhat uncomfortable-looking men.


PostPosted: 13 Oct 2008 10:57

So many different things were rolling around in Sonnie's mind..... in particular that mysterious lady visiting with Smom right prior to the ceremony. Did that lady call Smom "Auntie Smom"?


Even though many were entering for dinner, Sonnie simply was too distracted in though to notice anyone. 'Who's family could be in trouble?' Wondering if it could be the Morgan family or the De Strykes?,

Looking over at her sister, she knows Smom can not be approached concerning the mysterious woman.

Becoming critical of herself, Sonnie is annoyed for she had drunk too much spiced rum in the Captain's quarters! ((sighs))

Quietly leaving the table, Sonnie scurries to tidy up when she sees "her" seated and smiling her most engaging and fun loving smile!

"Marzy! Oh, Marzy!"

Greeting Marzy with a hug and kiss, Sonnie's concerns are instantly forgotten.

"Sweetie, I hope you will sit with me during the luncheon for we have so much to talk about and catch up on!"

Straightening Marzy's bangs a bit, Sonnie smiles lovingly at her sweet daughter.


PostPosted: 13 Oct 2008 11:16

She could tell Treena would not have Marzy over straining and ruining this event with an early delivery. She did not hesitate minding her orders. It had been a long time since she minded any one else’s words. She took her help to a seat feeling the pressure of the ride in her back. Feeling if she could explode after all her recent travels. Leaning back she smiled and pointed out Oda_marius.

“That is a cousin of mine Oda. He is a lovely well spoken man. Quite the looker eh? I served as a officer in the family army when he joined. Quite the grand man. He may need a dance partner later.” she winks. “Food and drink sounds great. Not to much would hate to become sea sick as I not have much experience on these vessels. Though please remember you are here as my guest. Allow the servants to serve me. You are no servant to any.”

Her mother coming to her so quickly Marzy felt a tad over whelmed. Really she shouldn’t have been so far from home and friends, but it was for her mother. “Hail mamma surprised your daughter finally listened to you?” she smiled as her mothers hand glanced across her forehead. A comforting ability her touch to soften her nerves.

“Aye this is Treena a new friend from Exeter who came with me so I not be so foolish traveling in my condition. Though likely was still foolish. Yes if she may join us I will gladly sit with you.” Struggling to her feet in a most apparently uncomforting effort she walks with her mother and Treena the pregnancy waddle very evident. “I am glad Treena agreed to come with me. I have been so lonely since Heinrich’s assassination. Really she is a surprising new strength.” reaching the table she struggles sitting back down. Not wanting to just plop as would be easiest now. Reaching the seat she relaxed as best she could motioning a seat for Treena.


PostPosted: 13 Oct 2008 11:40

The ceremony had been lovely. Meira took a few breaths of sea-air and headed down to the dining hall. Many more guests were arriving and she looked around the crowd to see if there were more faces she recognized.


PostPosted: 13 Oct 2008 11:43

Treena followed Marzena's finger towards her handsome cousin, Oda, nodding as she explained their relationship. She smiled thinking of how much she loved to dance. She was not accustomed to servants, but realized she must sound rather unrefined as soon as Marzena brought attention to them.

As Marzena introduced Treena to her mother, she curtsied and smiled graciously. "Very pleased to make your acquaintance, Madame. I hope I have been some assistance to your daughter, traveling all this way in her condition, but there's was no convincing her of staying home, so eager was she to see everyone."

Sonnie and Treena helped Marzena to a seat with her family. "I hope I am not imposing or taking the seat of a relative. I will gladly find a spot further back, if necessary," Treena offered with some concern.


PostPosted: 13 Oct 2008 11:51

"May I call you Lady Treena?" while hugging and kissing Treena on the cheeks.... "Thank you for your help with Marzy."

After the formal introduction with Marzena's friend, Treena, Sonnie was ready to take her seat when she noticed Meira standing at the entrance.

"I shall be right back, ladies!"

Smiling and then tenderly patting Meira's hand... "Meira! Greetings and welcome! Do come over and partake of the delicious meal with my family and friends."


PostPosted: 13 Oct 2008 12:08

Patting a seat for Treena to sit down. “Now I realize this isn’t like we are accustomed in the south, but ye get used to it.” she smiled as her mother openly greeted her. “Nay worry about the seat we will just pull up another. I am sure you will find plenty to dance nay sitting long anyway.” her eyes twinkled at all the souls gathered.

Looking around she grew slightly nervous feeling her chest binding a tad discomforting. She motions to a servant to bring a drink for her friend, and herself denying picking up a glass of water instead. Then she slowly takes in the soft water allowing it to sooth her slightly. As her mother excuses herself, and goes over to a woman she had yet to meet herself.

She laughed seeing a man following a buxom serving woman, and spied gatherings all about. She then noted the bride and groom recalling how well once she knew both. She had hoped this day would come for them both, and was pleased to see.

“The bride is my aunt, and the groom is a very old friend of mine. One I go back with more than the other, but both have long needed this day.” she smiles looking around for more whom she could point out. Rubbing her eyes in disbelief was she seeing her friend bee? Rubbing more and more she eventually decided her eyes had been in focus all along.

Raising a hand she waved to her. Having not seen her in ages, and once spending many a hilarious night in taverns with her in Cornwall. “That is a good friend who served even while with child in the Cornwall incident. A woman equal to no other and one I happily call friend.”


PostPosted: 13 Oct 2008 12:14

Meira was pleased when Sonnie materialized out of the crowd.

"Oh, thank you, I would enjoy that very much. With so many people, and Lady Richgrams busy of course, I wasn't sure what the seating arrangements would be," she said as they walked back to the table.


PostPosted: 13 Oct 2008 12:54

As she and Brad were chatting silently amongst themselves, still unable to come up with a name for their home they will be building together in Preston, something about the movement in the room turns her attention away. looking out to those gathered she sees her. Looking in disbelief at first, tears starting to form as she realizes it really is her. Turning to Brad "Excuse me my love, I shall be right back." quickly kissing his cheek before getting up from their table and moving as swiftly as her feet can take her.

Stopping right before the gathered women, she suddenly does not know what to say. Feelings and emotions flooding her thoughts, the joy of seeing her, the pain and anger from the last time they saw each other, the horrible fight they had. But she had come, she was here. Maybe it wasn't too late for them.

Needing to make her family and her own heart whole again she spoke "Marzy?" , she approached then threw all care of what was right and wrong out the window and enveloped her niece in a hug. "I'm so sorry we fought. Can we start fresh?'' suddenly backing up as she felt a kick against her stomach, startling her "My goodness." looking at how big Marzy was with child. Funny she had not noticed it before, so overcome by having her niece back in the family, where she belonged.

"Oh my , you look as though you will give birth any moment. Yet you came." looking at her "I have missed you so much. You must come see your new Uncle, took us years but we finally got it right this time."she giggled.


PostPosted: 13 Oct 2008 13:01

"Meira, there is a seat prepared especially for you at our table and if it weren't, I would remedy that minor dilemma quickly. Let's enjoy ourselves, shall we?"

Thanking the escort for ushering Meira to her chair, Sonnie smiles with delight...

Startled by Smom, Sonnie smiles at the bride.... "Tis such a festive, happy occasion! Thank Jah for good friends, a great family and last but not! "


PostPosted: 13 Oct 2008 13:51

Being rushed by her aunty Marzy hadn’t been expecting this. She thought she would surely have been asked to leave as that familiar voice sprang from behind. All the memories rushed into her mind as she turned to face her. Nearly spitting up some water to the sudden rush of a excited and loving embrace.

In a state of shock she hadn’t known how to react or what to say being she felt a sudden rush of happiness flow threw her. Tears rushed from her eyes as she heard her aunt wish for fresh starts. “Jah dang it of course Aunty. We can try again.” she sniffled returning her hug. having needed this herself for sometime.

The thump of kicking in her stomach drawing her attentions to. Her face lit up in ways she hadn’t thought it would on this night. “I thought it had died. There was no movement for so long. Seems just wanted a bit of a shock to it‘s ol mom.” both her hands run over her expanded stomach.

Rushing words to her mom quickly, “Please see Treena gets her drink, and keep her company until I return, or a man shall brave a dance.”

“Yes lets go see my new uncle. Seems a good night for new and old things to combine.” though still very sore, she didn’t struggle so hard standing this time. Taking her Aunty’s hand in her own and sniffling past the sudden emotional reunion she hadn’t been expecting she followed her aunt to the bride and grooms table.

Her eye’s spying a gift on the table. “Now I expect to see you like this before long Aunty.” she chuckled trying to use the laughing to dry her tears, and save off further draws of public attention. Trying not to think of the past of her own life, or of her family life, but instead of the current moment. Allowing this moment to burn a more powerful memory for her. Hoping it could end the past pain, and start new joys again.


PostPosted: 13 Oct 2008 14:08

Mulling over what had occurred between Smom and Marzena, Sonnie sighs with relief... [b]"Typical of the Morgan women! None other can compete with them!'

Sonnie greets her mom hoping Mom heard nothing


PostPosted: 13 Oct 2008 14:13

As Richgrams finishes up handing out the favors and is heading down the final row of seats, she sees Meira sitting with Sonnie.
Hello Ladies, I didn't realize you had met. Isn't everything lovely? Meira, how do you like my new dress?

I had it made just for this occasion. All is going well, don't you think?


PostPosted: 13 Oct 2008 14:20

As Ice, Irish,Lord and Gwen walk to the reception area, Irish stops a moment to ask Ice and Lord what they should do next. Ice, Lord do either of you see the bride or groom? If not I do see Aunt Richgrams and we should go and pay our respects to her. she hasn't seen the triplets in a very long time nor has she seen Kathryn or met Gwen.
turning a bit to Gwen who still held Michael's hand, Gwen, if anyone knows exactly how we are related Aunt Richgrams will.
Walking over to where her aunt was Irish greeted her warmly hugging her as best she could while holding Kathryn. aunt Richgrams, how wonderful to see you. You remember,Ice and of course my brother Lord. This lovely young woman is Gwenavhyeur Morgan a cousin of Lord's and mine who has come to live with Ice and I in Southampton.
Of course you haven't as yet met the newest addition to our family. This wee one is Kathryn Areith Dragons, and the triplets you of course know.


PostPosted: 13 Oct 2008 14:52

"Pardon me Meira and Treena. I am not a drinking woman, but I sure need one. A strong one at that! Please enjoy the meal as I leave for a few minutes. I shall return soon."


Feeling as though the Dining Hall had become a bit stuffy, Sonnie leaves in haste searching for that special bottle of spiced rum.

Out on the deck and rounding the corner, she recalls... "That bottle is that way!"

Trying to climb the steep angled stairs was no easy task and an evening gown was not going to slow her down! Upon reaching the upper landing, she knew she was heading in the direction of the Captain's quarters but she hears what sounds as though two men are quarreling. Proceeding in the direction of the row, Sonnie finds what appears to be a tipsy Lerendus and possibly a First Mate exchanging heated words debate style." ((sighs))

"If I didn't know better, I would swear you two were in politics and feuding over how to manage the county's affairs!"

Grabbing Lers by his right arm and firmly bringing his body to an upright and secure position, Sonnie, wonders what has happened to him.

"Sir, please pay Lers no attention. I think he has had a little too much to drink. He is now my responsibility."

Ushering Lers down toward a small cabin, Sonnie takes her friend inside and gently helps him on a cot.

"Lerendus, look at yourself, would you? You are a terrible sight! I shall clean you up and escort you to the Dining Hall so you may eat and dance with the lovely ladies."


Feeling so proud of herself for Lerendus was now looking like the handsome man she knew him to be. Sonnie gives him a gentle but light kiss on a bruise. "That is one shiner, Partner! Come on now, Champ. We have a party to attend."


PostPosted: 13 Oct 2008 15:23

Been hanging there arguing, rather heatedly, with the marine. Tried to convince him that he was not a kidnapper. Was suddenly hoisted up and found himself on the quarter deack and dragged off while he was still trying to figure how he managed to get up and over. Put in a cot and finally got a good look of his rescuer. Sonnie.

Sonnie wrote:"Lerendus, look at yourself, would you? You are a terrible sight! I shall clean you up and escort you to the Dining Hall so you may eat and dance with the lovely ladies."

"I am not a terrible - " he began indignantly and stopped himself before he finished what he was going to say. "Okay, maybe I am a terrible sight," he admitted, "But I do not need to to be cleaned up!" he whined, trying to push Sonnie's hands away and off him, but Morgan women don't give up, unfortunately.


He stared blankly at Sonnie with his hair cleaned and combed, uniform straightened. Winced and drew back a little as she kissed his bruise.

Sonnie wrote:"That is one shiner, Partner! Come on now, Champ. We have a party to attend."

"Leave the bruise alone," he complained, "you walk in front."

PostPosted: 13 Oct 2008 15:29

Irish! So good to see you again. You too Ice, Lord, and pleased to meet you Gwen.
Richgrams drops to one knee and puts her arms out.
Bella, what a magnificent gown you are wearing! Michael, and Liam, isn't it? Such fine looking gentlemen!
Looking up at Ice, he catches her meaning, and offers a hand up to Richgrams.
Thank you my dear. So this is Kathryn, the newest Morgan girl. We really do have a way of populating England, now don't we!
Richgrams softly kisses the baby's cheek.
If you'll excuse me, I have a few more favors to pass out. Hope to see you again later.


PostPosted: 13 Oct 2008 15:36

Sonnie, giggling at Lers... "I will walk in front, behind, off the plank... as long as you go to the reception and have fun!"

"Let's go, Tiger!" Off she leads him to the Banquet Hall.


PostPosted: 13 Oct 2008 15:39

Lerendus follows Sonnies to the Banquet Hall.

PostPosted: 13 Oct 2008 15:44

Whispering to him so others will not hear, she states: "Smile now, Tiger! Have some fun with your friends!"

PostPosted: 13 Oct 2008 16:19

He turned and stared at Sonnie awhile. A pause of silence before he said slowly, “Friends.” Scanned the room slowly. Saw many but recognized few. He lingered at the door a little longer. Wasn’t entirely sure what to do next. Looked into the crowd of elegant dresses and began to feel nervous. He stood in the door like a street sign. At least you look nice...for once.


PostPosted: 14 Oct 2008 00:34

Irish had spotted Cery and Phoenix,turning to Ice, Ice, do you think it would be alright to let the triplets go and play with the other children.There is Cery and Phoenix ,so Mal can't be far away and I see Smom's nannies so I know they will be watched well.
Ice agreed with her and turning to his brood, Remember what your mom said, no tricks. Behave and go have fun.
They watched as the triplets toddled off to go and play with Cery and Phoenix.
Irish then noticed Kerri, Ice, Lord lets go and pay our respects to Kerri as she will be our new Regent.
Walking over to where Kerri sat still holding Kathryn,Irish greeted her. Admiral this is a pleasure to see you here. May Ice and I congratulate you on being elected Regent.May I present my brother Lordchus Morgan and our cousin Gwenavhyuer Morgan.


PostPosted: 14 Oct 2008 01:17

OOC/ Brad is having issues and can't post at this time, he sends his apologies and will try to join us soon.


PostPosted: 14 Oct 2008 02:28

Marzena wrote:“Now I expect to see you like this before long Aunty.”

Looking over as they are headed back to the head table to catch a full view of Marzy expanded waistline "If your Uncle gets his way, I am sure I will be soon. I think his time with the twins lately makes him want many more. He has been hinting of starting a family soon, men always want their own but he does love the twins. Gilly is smitten with him but I fear little Rohnan has not liked the idea of him being around. I am sure that will change over time." looking at her niece again "You sure you are ok dear? You are not walking well. Is it your back? I had terrible days with my back towards the end with the twins. But I was lucky Brad was there and spoiled me rotten." remembering the days of old before he left she suddenly realized Marzy had no one. "Oh Marzy I am sorry, I shouldn't have brought that up. How are you coping since his death? If you need anything, anything at all just ask."

Suddenly her Mother is right in front of them, to make a quick change of subject she steps right to her "Mother, Look Marzy came. Seems it won't be long before you are a great-grandmother again."

PostPosted: 14 Oct 2008 02:51

Listening to her Aunty speak of the twins she smiles lightly. Merely a forced smile as her words direct to her departed husband. This was one aspect of her life she tried not to think of. Though it was always at this time painfully evident. As she faced yet another birth with their father not present.

“They all want their own humm?” she frowned at this thought. Knowing from her own brewed it was true. Still was a fact of more in the future that made her nervous. Honestly she was tired of men who didn’t live long enough to see their children. An wasn’t looking forward to raising more alone. Being the cold joke of certain types humor.

Not like she enjoyed this either, but once one commits, and the spouse goes crazed or to the grave. What is a woman to do with promises given? Looking to her aunty with still a soft forced smile upon her face. “You have given me family again. Other than my own little ones. I can not ask for more. I am sure Brad will win them both over in time. He has always had a soft side for little ones.”

Her head turns as she hears word of her Grams. Now a real smile crossed her face. “Hail Grams.” she would try to curtsy out of respect, but the last time she did she got stuck. Instead she reached over giving her grams a hug, and recalling no licking cheeks while in a public social event.

PostPosted: 14 Oct 2008 03:38

Marzena! Does this mean peace exists between the two of you again?

Richgrams returns the hug, as space allows - lol.

Welcome back child. I hope you can control your temper better in the future.


PostPosted: 14 Oct 2008 03:49

Any news of the Morgan family type had stopped coming since Pegars Morgan had died 2 weeks ago. Lela had not been seen much and was in morning over her sister when a messenger arrived. He bore an official document from her mother Sonnie. Taking the scroll she read;

Dear daughter,

Please come to your Aunt Smom’s wedding you need to get out and visit the family so they know you are still there.

Love Sonnie

No time was wasted in packing and travel and Lela had arrived in time for the event in hopes of re-lighting the family connection and finally meeting everyone.

As she entered the area only to see Marzy her older sister and looking for her mother and aunt would follow and to the rest of the family she dearly wanted to meet.

PostPosted: 14 Oct 2008 03:53

As Richgrams continues to pass out the favors, she sees an old friend here from Appleby.
Lord_daene! How good to see that you came. I was hoping you would.
Richgrams offers another hug.
Looking as dapper as ever Daene. Have you begun the building of your Manor yet?

PostPosted: 14 Oct 2008 06:51

Snowlynx receives the bell from Richgrams, looks at it, smiles, and starts to shake it to see if it works....

Waits for the reaction....

PostPosted: 14 Oct 2008 08:23

Daene had not been expecting an invitation to such an event but when Lady Richgrams offers something heartfelt, it should not be taken lightly. Especially with his poor upbringing Daene knew that. He strolled up to the event in the best cleaning he could give himself, to make himself proper. It was helpful that he had baught the clothing recently, so they still looked new.

"Lord_daene! How good to see that you came. I was hoping you would." came the excited voice of the pretty lady.

"Good to see you here, I am glad I can make it. It is very nice of you to have me here."

"Looking as dapper as ever Daene. Have you begun the building of your Manor yet?" she asked politely as she usually does.

"Yes I have. deconstruction of some of the unneeded stone walls of the third level has begun and soon new floors and walls will be going up. It will be exciting. I will definetly invite you and a few others to the feast when it is completed. I hope to have corn stuffed pork, wine marinated beef roast and roasted onions at the least. I will set one of the guest rooms aside personally for you madam." he said, finishing his invitation with a proper bow.

Richgrams was the only person he seemed to know at the event thus far. Everyone was dressed so fine, finer than him, and that played upon his tension and shyness a little but, though he planned on being courteous to everyone.

This might pose for good exposure for me. I could use a little finery at the moment. it will brush off in my manners at the Manor.

Another turn of his head and something caught his eye. Ok, it was a somone. The gentleman appeared to be working the event as one of the staff. Knowing it would be impolite to impose in such obviousness in that manner at somone else's event, or at least when having just arrived he smiled inwardly taking note of how the gentleman looked.He helped eyes to shift back to Richgrams and smiled politely to try to hide any minor looks of guilt.

Daene thought for a second to bring his mind into formal phrasing of words again. . "Thank you for the Favor. I hope to keep it as long as possible to remember your and your family's generosity."

PostPosted: 14 Oct 2008 09:17

You're such a sweetheart, Daene. That's why I like you so much.
By any chance do you have any candied ginger in your pocket?

PostPosted: 14 Oct 2008 11:53

At first the meet with Grams was pleasant, but her final words to her caused her to grind her teeth. As if to blame her solely for the past? Marzy quickly wondered why she even bothered showing. Mere kindness to those she once loved who had a special day was why, and for the family caught in the middle.

She blew out the frustration of her gram’s insults, yet again. Blowing off her grams as having one foot in the ground. An finally turned to calm herself when she one of the last of her sisters.

Rushing over she instantly embraced her in a deep hug. “Lela I have missed you so much.” she began to cry again. As Lela reminded Marzy of the loss of Pegars. These two sister always held tightest of the siblings.


Number of posts : 34
Location : Cumbria
Registration date : 2009-02-05

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HMS Hibernia: Wedding of Bradley de Stryke and Shriekersmom Morgan Empty Re: HMS Hibernia: Wedding of Bradley de Stryke and Shriekersmom Morgan

Post  Emrys Sat Feb 06, 2010 1:28 am

PostPosted: 14 Oct 2008 12:04

Once she got over her shock of seeing and meeting all these new people, Gwen made her way with Irish to congratulate the newlyweds. Noticing their love for each other in the way they smiled and their glances towards each other made her, for the first time in her young life, wish to understand what love was. Although she had only recently met Smom, she was beyond happy for her.

Having heard in passing from the numerous other people present how beautiful the wedding was, Gwen wished she could have seen it, and apoligized for their tardiness before congratulating both Brad and Smom once again. She then made her way to a table and collapsed for a moment in a seat. She took some time to calm her nerves and focused on the lovely decorations, knowing that all too soon she would be swept away to meet other new people.

PostPosted: 14 Oct 2008 12:09

Ice and Irish finished talking to Kerri and moved around the ship. The ship was much nicer then the Adventure Galley but of course the Galley used to be a pirate ship. Irish and Ice stopped off at the bar so that he could get a large tanker of Rum while Irish got a flute of white wine. Irish and Ice made there way over to where Mal was. Ice greeted Mal kindly.

“Mal it is nice to see you here, I hope that you are having a good time?”

Ice kept his eyes on the children as he spoke watching to make sure none of them ventured away. He noticed that Bella was wondering away from the other kids heading towards the railing. Ice politely excused himself and headed over to where Bella was. He walked up behind Bella and asked her where she was heading. She told him that she wanted to go look off the side of the ship. Ice scooped Bella up and told her that next time she should ask him before going to the edge of the ship because it is dangerous. Making sure that he had a firm grip on Bella Ice then sat her on the rail of the ship so she could see out. He pointed out to the Adventure Galley and begun to tell her how it had once belonged to her Uncle Captain Kidd.

PostPosted: 14 Oct 2008 12:40

Irish smiled as she watched Ice with Bella. He was so good with the triplets.Treating them like they were his very own,made her love him even more. Shaking her head,she spied Smom and went over to congratulate her with Kathryn still in her arms. Smom, you are absolutely beautiful and radiant today. Congratulations.

PostPosted: 14 Oct 2008 13:56

Sonnie, grabs her mother gently on the arm and whispers in her mum's ear...."Please let's not bring up the past to Marzena, Mum. Let's have a joyous time this day for Smom's and Marzy's sake.Patting her mum, she smiles.

Straightening up and realizing the rudeness of whispering.... "Excuse me for I see my other baby girl has arrived." As she begins walking toward her daughter, Lelafirebird, Sonnie twirls around and asks her mum... "Lela is here, please come greet her?'

Excitedly, Sonnie, scurries off wearing a beaming, loving smile especially for her daughter and then stretches her arms out giving the young lady a great big hug and kiss. "Lela, Sweetheart! It is so good to see you! I have missed you so much and hope you are well. Please come sit with us so we may catch up on the latest news."


As the escort comes to usher Lela to her seat, Sonnie is informed that Kerri had spoken to Sonnie earlier, but that Sonnie perhaps did not hear Kerri nor see Kerri?


Looking around the Banquet Hall for Kerri, it occurs to her the lovely lady impeccably dressed has to be Kerri seated toward the front of the room.

Remembering another day and time with Kerri....
It had been so long since their last meeting. Sonnie recalls the fun they had in a Salisbury's tavern dancing and creating much merriment. Smiling, Sonnie rushes over to Kerri ...

"Kerri, darling! A gleeful smile displaying Sonnie's face as Sonnie extends her hands out for Kerri to take them..... "Tis so wonderful to see you! Forgive my rudeness earlier." Moving closer in Kerri's circle of space, Sonnie states with some uncertainties... "I have heard several disturbing things. My mind should be more focused on this lovely wedding and reception. I do hope you forgive me."

After relaxing and letting go of Kerri's hands, Sonnie glances toward the gentleman next to Kerri, giving him a tilt of her head showing acknowledgement of his presence.


PostPosted: 14 Oct 2008 14:58

Richgrams spots Lela with Marzy and manages to get over to them.

Two of my favorite girls! Welcome Lela. Marzy, my job of passing out the favors is over,
so I hope we can spend more time together now. Do you have any idea how happy I am to see you?
I feel like the odd man out, being the only Morgan left in Penrith.

Richgrams hugs both girls, beaming from ear to ear.

I want you both to know that you are welcome in my home anytime you can get there.
I will look forward to seeing your children too, Marzy. Do you have a preference this time?


PostPosted: 14 Oct 2008 15:46

Lerendus stopped a passing waiter and took a glass from his tray. Asked him to wait as he raised the glass. "Everyone," he called over the chatter, "Everyone, I'd like to make a toast to the newlywed." He waited for the room to quiet and began. "Smom and Brad, I didn't bring any gifts, and I missed the ceremony...but I did drink a lot of your booze. So, that was fun!" he grinned brightly. "Brad, I don't really know you but uh..." he paused and searched his head for eloquent phrases, "that's a really shiney head, so that's great! And Smom, you look lovely as always. May your marriage be blessed, and longer than mine." He suppressed a laugh and continued, "For all the gentlemen in here. To our wives and sweethearts..." he stopped and tried to think of something romantic to say. "Oh to hell with it," he gave up after a long pause, "To our wives and sweethearts - May they never meet!" Spotted Kerri in the crowd. Regent of England was always hard to miss. "And to our newly elected Regent, Princess Kerri - LONG LIVE ENGLAND!!!" Slowly lowered his glass as he finished his toast and muttered under his breath, "Or what's left of it anyway." Put his glass back on the waiter's tray and walk away towards the end of the banquet hall. Sat down at an empty table and breathed a heavy sigh as he put his head down on it.

PostPosted: 14 Oct 2008 19:10

“Mal it is nice to see you here, I hope that you are having a good time?”

'I am yes. It's been a while since I had the chance to get all dressed up' she replied, then grinned as Ice hurried away to where Bella was, to stop her from getting into mischief.

Glancing around to make sure her two were behaving themselves she was pleased to see that Smom's nanny had everything under control so she didn't have to worry about them. She spotted Gwen sitting at a table and went over to her. 'Hello Gwen, it's nice to see you again. I love that dress you have on, it suits you'. She sat down opposite her and put her glass of wine on the table. 'Have you settled in now at the Manor?'

PostPosted: 14 Oct 2008 22:56

Lord Daene looked around as he finished up his conversation with Richgrams and went off to walk the ship. He had no ie where he ws or was not allowed, so he mainly stayed up on deck. Daene watched people come and go, nodding or bowing to them in basis of their appeared station in life. He was used to bowing anyhow having to have raised himself from the dregs of poverty to where he is now, and he knew some did not look highly upon that.

Earlier richgrams had asked him about the Candied Ginger he allways seemed to have, but at that time he had none. He ate the last few pieces of his candy the night before as nurishment with the bread he was having far to much of for his taste, not being able to afford anything else while travelling.

Daene stood there in his purple and yellow clothing, at the deck railing, a light colored honey wine in his hand. The Gentle he had seen earlier had brought on a Mild Meloncholy of sorts, which he attributed to lonliness. It would be difficult to find companionship in his way no matter what, and he understood that plight. But there was another reason that he man caught Daene's eye. He was in such good form for his station as servant staff, that he outshined others that Daene now had a chance to witness. He knew he would need Staff for his Manor, and his position of Master or Household would fit the man desireably well.

Daene then turned around for a toast, made by some handsome gentle he had never seen before. Well intended words rang out in almost sour form to Daene's ears, but he knew the man's intent was in the right meaning. Daene liften his glass with a fake smile and nod to the area where most people were looking, thinking that through the crowd off in that direction hid the wedding couple.

There will be a day for me perhaps. After my horses and manor are settled. Perhaps even with that filth of a father I have. soo much to tend to.

Daene raised his glass in toast, took a healthy drink and sank his other hand into his pocket. Lo and behold, as odd as it was, there were pieces of his Candied Ginger. He had no idea what gve them to him the first time and he had stopped questioning.

Along his way he went to find Richgrams to give her a piece of candy, when he stumbled upon the man who had just given the speech.

"Good speech, well meant m'lord." he said as a complimentary greeting, and it with a toss in the air of a piece of his Candied ginger as a gift.

Oh do catch it. he thought as the man in good form did, though followingly looked a little quizzingly at it. Daene just smiled and went on his way.

Soon he found Lady Richgrams in a gaggle together with some ladies talking bits about family(he supposed), and quietly handed them each a piece of Candied Ginger, stepping back with 'You're Welcome' nods to each of them, though staying within the general area, looking around.


PostPosted: 14 Oct 2008 23:03

Seeing Marzy and her Mother at the same time lifted her spirits that had been crushed at the loss if her sister but this was not the place for such things. It was time to be in a festive mood and enjoy the company of family. Hugging Marzy they exchanged a brief sob for Pegars and listening to her mother who was soon away with her social calendar going non-stop she is introduced to her grandmother.

Hello grams I am so sorry we have never gotten the chance to meet as the estate is now without my sister to help me. I am cooping as best as I can and the manor is very large and seen many guests. Oda and Mini stayed for a time as did Marzy and Lars. Mother has come a few times but you are most welcome to visit as well.

Leaning in close to Marzy she asks; can you please introduce me to the others that I don not know I wish to meet others as well. There has been so much sadness these last few months I need to find some joy.

As a servant walks by he offers her some wine which she takes and soon is gossiping and having a good time. Sipping her wine she asks if she might get the chance to see Kerri again as it had been month since had last communicated.

While they talked and sought each others company a man approached and offered each some candy. Thanking the stranger she wished she had known more of the family members so she could thank him properly,


PostPosted: 15 Oct 2008 00:51

Having staved back any further response while all mingled about her she grabbed her stomach as the child who never moved now kicked and stretched. Causing her stomach unusual shapes and forms. Looking out over her family she worried greatly knowing what was coming their way. Nay a move of generalizations, but an internal conflict that could tear them apart. If they all knew what was coming post this night certainly treasuring our time would be even more of the ut most importance.

Hearing her Grams speak she slightly laughed, “Jah such a trip would be instilled one day.” their conversation interrupted by the drunken bellowed toast of an all to family voice. She let out one single winded laugh at certain parts. Shaking her head noting how some things never changed. Tis any wonder, tis any wonder.

Turning back to her sister she smiled as a piece of Candied Ginger was offered. She nodded in thanks looking at it. Realizing sugar had been involved she tucked it away in her clutch. Nay wanting this now awake child to kick threw her stomach with the aide of joy over the sweetness in their system.

Witnessing her own sister beginning to relax with wine she heard her request. “Well lets see.” she looked around for a bit before picking their first target. “I suspect the best location to meet our family would be to be present near the Bride and groom. This being said SM had invited me up there to speak with Brad, but we got distracted by parading around Grams, and other family members. Perhaps we can slowly make our way there…” she would be slow for this parade.

Passing Treena and others along the way. “That is Treena a kind lady from Cornwall whom agreed to escort me safely here. She so loves dancing I hope soon all are allowed to dance, so that a young man may approach her.” she winked. “Surely you could do with a spin as well sis.” she lightly pushed and elbow into her with a slight chuckle.

PostPosted: 15 Oct 2008 01:19

Arm in arm they moved across the floor as Marzy pointed out people. Seeing her smile gave great warmth to Lela after the hard times she had faced. She could see they were headed in the direction of Auntie Smom whom she had letters from but never had the chance to meet. Suddenly she get an elbow in the side and talk of dancing fills her older sisters eyes and thoughts turn as well for her.

Yes my sister it has been a very long time since I last danced. It would be most enjoyable to do so again.
Suddenly noticing a small foot protrude from her sisters dress. She places a soft touch to the small extremity and sooths it.

“Hush now little one soon your day will come and you to can dance with someone as fair”.

Smoothing the dress she looked at her sister and spoke.

“It has been so hard for us both, so a deal between us we must make. For happiness this night we shall both find”.
So the two proceed to giggle and gossip as they make the rounds.


PostPosted: 15 Oct 2008 03:39

Lerendus toasts:

Lerendus stopped a passing waiter and took a glass from his tray. Asked him to wait as he raised the glass. "Everyone," he called over the chatter, Spotted Kerri in the crowd. Regent of England was always hard to miss. "And to our newly elected Regent, Princess Kerri - LONG LIVE ENGLAND!!!"

Shocked A stunned and rosey cheeked Sonnie, turned to Kerri after toasting... "Oh, Princess Kerri, (forcing another humble apology) I have been in my Palatine of Lancaster Lair much too long so it seems. I rarely come out any more so I was unaware of this wonderful news."

Curtseying... "Princess Kerri, come to Palatine of Lancaster for a visit soon. I would truly enjoy another of our 'get togethers'. It has been too long since the last. I will hostess a hog cook out in celebration of becoming HRH Princess . Hopefully, you have heard of my "Heavenly Hog Delight" which won 1st prize during a big Liverpool cook off contest. Heavenly Hog Delight will have you begging for more. And the ale at Cap'n Morgans... why it is some of the best quality England has ever had! Do come for a visit. We shall have great fun once again."

Bestowing an informal friendly kiss to Kerri's cheek, Sonnie immediately formulates her plans for a celebration of meade, ale, spiced rum, Heavenly Hog Delight and good friends having a grand time.

Smiling more so to herself than anyone else, Sonnie ponders over this idea and decides to herself....'I could invite people from Palatine of Chester and Cumberland to this feast in Kerri's honor. Perhaps once the dust settles and Princess Kerri is ready for a vacation from that office in London, this may happen?''


PostPosted: 15 Oct 2008 04:06

Out of the corner of her eye Irish ,like Ice kept a watchful eye on the boys. Kathryn became fussy quite suddenly and as Irish put her lips to the baby's forehead she thought maybe there was a slight fever.
Walking over to Mal while trying to keep her daughter from fussing,Irish asked Mal what she thought, Mal, is it just me or is Kathryn feeling a bit warm to you? I'm thinking she has a slight fever but for the life of me don't understand why. she is too young to be teething and I would be the first to know if there was a tooth anywhere.

PostPosted: 15 Oct 2008 12:48

Smiling softly to her sister as she tended to the child whom had yet to present itself till this night. She watched the foot retract back to it cozy home with in.

“Sis this child already has taken to you. Perhaps it is time we consider more than this night as a bonding to our sisterly bonds.”

Stopping in her foot steps she turns slightly, but still holds her sisters arm in her. “To recently my heart took another blow. As I lost my life long secret love. I have only ever spoke to Lerendus about him. This being when we first met. This is what could make my world perfect again. His return to join us in the special day. We hid our love so long. That now when both were able to restore, and claim what we fore sake for respect of others. He has gone poof away. Just as all memories I had of my husband. In the same night proof was gone. There I do believe is no repairing what has occurred to me. The only joy I have left is my sisters and mother. This rare moment of trying to right the wrongs before like with others things are to late. If fun be all we need. You and I are famed for being able to instigate this, but fun alone does not make happiness. Happiness though I believe we shall find threw one method or another.” she stares softly her eyes dancing as they stare into hers.

“I love you my dear sister, and hope our relationship grows into bounds unknown. Yes Lela let us find some fun." Knowing she may not find happiness past her sister this night her eyes near pleading as her soul emptied and showed there was no more left to give.

If not for the mere hope of one person to love regardless. She would likely be over that ship railings long before entering the party. Then a thought crossed her mind as she turned begining to drag her sister over to her Aunty.

“Aunty I know it is customary to wait for the bride and groom to dance, but you mind terribly if two sisters cut a rug together?” she waited hoping not to be scolded.

PostPosted: 16 Oct 2008 03:13

Snowlynx tries to return below deck to the reception, a few times, visit a few people, but the sudden jerky movements while down there would cause the dizziness and nausea to overcome her. One time while below deck, she heard a mother worried about her poor little one, fussing and warm. Snowlynx felt for it, she knew exactly how the babe felt. Too bad the little one couldn't say, 'Get me up deck, mama.' between short visits below deck, she would quickly, return to the quarter deck. Once on deck, being able to see the horizon, the dizziness disappeared, and most of the nausea.

Snow returns to her husbands side below deck and takes a seat. Falcie looks at her flushed cheeks, with some concern. "I will be fine once we move up deck to dance." She smiles and kisses him. Snow takes a piece of bread and nibbles on it. She passes on the wine, which seemed to make it worse. "A seaman, I am not." She chuckles.

Snow looks around and watches the room. She notices a few people she knew, a few people she knew who they were, but never meet, and a lot of people that she did not know. Snowlynx sees SMom is just glowing and very happy being surrounded by her family. Snow smiles and is glad she is having a wonderful day. She glances at her uncle Brad, smiles and winks at him. He looked like a very proud peacock, himself.

PostPosted: 16 Oct 2008 04:32

As Marzy approaches her, she takes note of the young woman at her side, her features were a tell tale sign, "Lela, at long last we meet face to face." hugging her niece.
As Marzy asks about dancing, Smom looks over at her new husband, thinking he might have had one too many drinks for the moment, she turns and says "Dear nothing about this wedding has been normal..please feel free to start dancing away."looking around the room "I think many others would love to join you all up on deck. Who ever knew a moored ship would rock so much? Now if you will excuse me I think my husband needs me."

PostPosted: 16 Oct 2008 07:07

Gwen turned to face Mala with a smile. It's nice to see you as well.

She blushed at the compliment and mentioned that Irish had been kind enough to help her pick out the dress.

Life at the Manor is great. I feel at home there, she said. She thought fondly of her family and glanced around the ship, seeing Irish and Ice with the children, and Smom, finally happy.

I heard you are the Countess now, Gwen continued. Congratulations. How is that going?


PostPosted: 16 Oct 2008 17:24

Feeling worn down, Alexion de Stryke, Head of house de Stryke walks up the gang planks with two parchments of the finest quality, sealed with the family COA in red. Spotting his Uncle and new Aunt, he makes his way through the crowds of people, smiling to those he knew and nodding politely to those he didn't.

Aproaching the newly weds he bows deeply in respect. "Greetings Uncle Bradley, Aunt Smom. I must apologies for missing the cerimony, but duty called. However, I do wish to congratulate you both on this most special day and wish to present my gifts at your pleasure." he says, smiling at both of them.


PostPosted: 16 Oct 2008 17:36

Having taken her place next to her husband once more she smiles as she sees her new nephew approach. Listening to his words before responding "Alex, thank you and it is so nice to see you again. We know duty always comes first in this family, it is ok, you are here now."


PostPosted: 16 Oct 2008 17:43

Bowing once again he stands straigh and extends one parchment to his Aunt and one to his Uncle. "The parchment I give to you, Aunty Smom, is the grant to the lands on which Castle de Stryke stands and my manor home, which was given to me by my father. I wish you both to enjoy them. The second parchement, Uncle Brad, is the official transfer of my title as head of house de Stryke, to your person. And if I may ask that the position as heir of the house go to my older sister Caitilin de Stryke?" he asked and waited for their responce.


PostPosted: 16 Oct 2008 17:55

Taking the parchment from Alexion as he tells her what it is , she stares at it in disbelief "Alex, this is too big of a gift. Surely you will want to keep the Manor for your unborn child? How is your lovely wife these days? Did she come with you?" knowing he would not take her objection, she pauses before speaking again "Thank you Alex."

PostPosted: 16 Oct 2008 18:03

Alexion answers his aunt after a moment of contemplation. "Esther...she is complicated. She is at home now with our daughter and she is in the last phase of her pregnancy. The doctors watch over her as does our staff. I will, unfortunatly not be stay long here, I need to get back to her, I hope you both understand." he says regretfully. His fear for his wifes safety, weighing down upon him heavily this day. "And do not worry about the manor, we are happy with the one we reside in now in Bath. You may have the other and the castle. Lands do not mean much to me as you will find." he said with a chuckle

(OOC: I have Pm'ed Isabella in order to transfer the Manor forum to both your names. Enjoy Very Happy )


PostPosted: 16 Oct 2008 18:13

Concern for Esther hits her as she thinks of all the women she has known who have died from giving birth, shaking the thought she tries to encourage Alexion "I am sure all will be well, women have babies every day" she gives him a smile "I can't wait to meet the newest deStryke. Seems I am to be a Great Aunt twice really soon. My niece Marzy is due soon as well. Have you met her yet?"

PostPosted: 16 Oct 2008 18:32 Post subject: Reply with quote
"You are right, I think. I hop for a son this time, but anouther daugher will be as much of a blessing in my eyes, to be sure." he chckles softly. "Ah the Lady Marzena, I presume. I do not believe I have had the pleasure of meeting my newest cousin, no."


PostPosted: 16 Oct 2008 20:40

Without any hesitation Lela embraced her aunt she had heard about so many times from her Mom and from Peg. This is someone she has to know better and she will find the time to do so soon.

The promise of dancing was more then she had hoped for but as she turns to go to the dance floor Lord_Stryker makes his presence known and introduces himself to Marzy as Lela stands and watches the people around her.

The gentle rocking of the ship as not bothered her in anyway having been on Pegars ship before so she had adapted well to boats in general. All these people she had heard of but never meet made her feel sad because her sister had known them and spoke of Smom frequently. Now she was more determined then ever to meet and socialize with more of her family.


PostPosted: 19 Oct 2008 08:48

As her Aunty had allowed this night to proceed Marzy had turned arms excitedly held in the air, “To the decks for dancing one and all.”

Her arms drop and she turns and begins wrapping her arm around her sisters as if to lead her fairer, and more lovely sibling she noticed her cousin Lord Stryke, “Well I be a frogs uncle if it isn’t Lord Stryke.” she nodded her head to him softly before continuing on.

“Aye we live in the same county, work with the same people, and even delve into the same interests, yet we have yet to cross paths. How goes the search into who broke into my home stealing all my memories? Such a sad way to depart ones home. I know the family is looking carefully into the matter. As I hear spear headed by you cousin.” Smiling softly to him as she knew she had been away from home for some time now.

“How is Somerset holding up dear cousin?” Turning to Lela her hand motioning to Lord Stryke then to Lela, “Lord Stryke allow me to introduce my fair and fine northern sister Lelafirebird. She was Chester’s ambassador to Somerset.”

Stepping slightly away to present her sister. “Lela this is our cousin Lord Stryke.” Marzy bit her lip a bit stepping back and allowing her cousin and sister to say their greetings.

PostPosted: 19 Oct 2008 20:44

Smiling softly as his cousin aproaches, he bows to her.

“Aye we live in the same county, work with the same people, and even delve into the same interests, yet we have yet to cross paths. How goes the search into who broke into my home stealing all my memories? Such a sad way to depart ones home. I know the family is looking carefully into the matter. As I hear spear headed by you cousin.”

He nodded and said "Indeed, Cousin Marzena, I am heading the investigation into the breakin at your home. I assure you that I will not rest until answers are found."

Bowing to the the lady next to Marzena he introduces himself. "It is a pleasure to meet you cousin Lelafirebird."

Just then a SAS messenger comes up to him and salutes, handing him a parchment. Reading swiftly he folds it and places it in his coat pocket.

"Please excuse me ladies, duty calls. It was nice seeing you." he bows respectfully. Bowing before his Uncle and Aunt he departs.


PostPosted: 21 Oct 2008 14:57

Irish and Kathryn walked over to the railing where Ice was standing holding Bella, Ice, I think we need to gather everyone up and head home. Kathryn has a fever and is getting fussy. I"m not sure what exactly it bothering her but I prefer to be at home where I can keep her safe and treat what ever is bothering her.
Bella are you having fun with Ice?
Da tell me story.
Oh darling that is wonderful and I promise as soon as we are back on Da's ship I will tell you one also. You and your brother's.

PostPosted: 29 Oct 2008 03:49

A Falcon soared through the travelling quickly towards its destination. The Falcon had a roll of parchment and a dagger grasped tightly in talons. It flapped its wings to keep itself skimming over the top of the trees as it headed for its target. As the forest ended the Falcon dived down to the water and skimmed the surface. The Falcon dipped the tip of its wing into the water causing the water to ripple. The Falcon made its way up into the docks of London and climbed high into the sky and began to circle around and around the docks. Finally the Falcon found what it was looking for. It dove down towards the deck of the ship and let out a ear piecing screech. It dropped the Parchment and Dragger on the deck. The Parchment read.

“You Time Will Come.”

The Falcon soared over the railing of the ship and back down to the surface of the water. The Falcon made is way quickly back over the water and to the forest. It skimmed the trees once again and landed on a tree branch. However it was not a tree branch it was the out stretched arm on man that was perched on a branch.


PostPosted: 29 Oct 2008 09:42

Hearing a piercing sound coming from outside, fear flows through her....rushing outside just as the parchment and dagger hit the ships deck, too close to her guests. Looking down her blood goes cold as she reads, the symbol on the dagger his. Oh Jah, he is back.

Looking back at her new husband her heart pains as she remembers how the Falcon Lord took her last two husbands, and Austral before them. Snapping back to reality she knew this time would come. It is why she, with the aide of her family , had plotted and planned for so long now, preparing for his return. Finally her hand would be forced and the secret Family Army would have to come into the light of day. He must be all costs ...he must be.

Silently she looked from family member to family member nodding, the signal given it was time to act.

OOC/ RP to continue soon location to be added as a edit.

PostPosted: 31 Oct 2008 04:49

Irish heard the piercing screech of the falcon as it swooped down and dropped what it was holding in it's talons. It was then she saw the all too familiar dagger. Looking up at Ice,she raised an eyebrow as she tried to quiet Kathryn.
Ice, could he have followed us here? More importantly why?

PostPosted: 01 Nov 2008 10:30

Leaves to who knows where or what.

PostPosted: 01 Nov 2008 14:57

Ice pulled Bella off the railing and put her down on the ground beside Liam and Michale.

"I haven't seen the Falcon Lord in some time. He is mysterious as always."


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Location : Cumbria
Registration date : 2009-02-05

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